Windows 11

Several sources close to the company claim that Microsoft is developing a web-oriented variant of Windows 12. It will be tailored for specific markets, including the educational sector, and will be a “true” answer to Chrome OS.

Windows 12 will not replace the traditional Win32 desktop experience, but it will offer a lighter, more modern, and modular alternative for low-end educational devices.

Windows 11

It has already been announced that Microsoft is forming a new team, “Windows and Web Experience”, to develop the next generation of Windows and web products. Moreover, Microsoft plans to “define and deliver the next generation of Windows experiences and applications that span across client and cloud environments”.

Additionally, Windows Latest reports that the web-focused variant of Windows 12 will heavily rely on Microsoft Edge and artificial intelligence. To make Microsoft Edge more intelligent and understand web content and user behavior, for example, Microsoft is reportedly exploring ways to use AI. The development of Windows 12 is expected to be significantly influenced by this integration.

In recent years, Microsoft has worked to modernize Windows and decouple its component layers in order to make it more lightweight. The Windows 10X operating system is an example of this work, which was intended as a competitor to Chrome OS. It was never commercialized, remaining an experimental product.

As for Windows 12, it is expected to arrive in 2024 with a web-focused interface. Microsoft is clearly serious about competing with Chrome OS in education, and it remains to be seen what other features and improvements the new variant will include.