Google is been working on its mystery project named Fuchsia OS. It is an new OS that has dumped Linux-base kernels used in Google Android OS in favor of new one called Magenta.

The new leaks tells us that Google has continued its work on Fuchsia and now we have got the new UI for smartphone and tablets.UI is named as Armadillo.If you are geek then you can download the OS source, compile it in Android APK & run it on any android device.

As per Ars Technica, the Fuchsia OS shows us home screen that is aligned to work vertically scrolling list, with date, current location, your profile pic and battery icon in the center.Above the profile called Story card,where you can see the opened apps which are running in the background.Below your profile we can see scrolling list of suggestion for your day. There is an Home button which pops up when you leave this screen.

Similar to pop up window there is special feature where you can place an app open on top of other app.This can also start split screen mode.It will allow two apps split which can be aligned vertically as well as horizontally and even you can run third app which will split the screen in three equal parts. So this feature is plus if you are heavy multitasker.There is an special UI for keyboard in Fuchsia UI which is not similar to what we found on Google Keyboard and it has dark theme.Below it are the OS version of Android Google Now suggestion card.As of now the Fuchsia OS is still under beta phase some of the features will not work properly.

Here is the demo video of the Fuchsia OS.

The Fuchsia OS is completely written on cross platform Flutter SDK can run all older version apps smoothly by just porting it to on this latest OS.Thus allowing to run any Android apps on this OS. As of now we have no details about whether it is going to launch anytime soon or not.So it is too early to comment on this.We can expect Fuchsia OS to be announced in Google upcoming I/O  developer conference.
