The popularity of foldable smartphones is gradually growing, and it appears that they will soon be mainstream. Several brands have launched folding phones in recent years, but Samsung continues to lead this category. By 2024, the Korean OEM plans to launch as many as six foldable devices. Moreover, the brand will also reorganize its S series lineup next year by removing the plus model.

Samsung plans to make many changes to its smartphones and tablets next year, according to Twitter User @RGcloudS. As many as six foldable devices are expected to be released by the brand next year, including the Galaxy Z Flex, the Z Fold Ultra, the Z Flip Ultra, and the Z Tab. The usual Galaxy Z Flip and Fold are also included.

According to the source, “Z Ultra” models will feature a 4K Samsung display, while standard “Z” models will have a QHD BOE display. Moreover, the Z Flip could come with a 2K Samsung display or an FHD BOE panel.

The Samsung Galaxy Z Flex is said to be a tri-fold smartphone, meaning it folds thrice unlike the regular foldable. A foldable tablet called Galaxy Z Tab is also in development by the company. Because it would be a foldable tablet, you can expect it to have a larger display.

A Twitter user further claims Samsung is developing a new mid-range series called Galaxy K. There is little information about the new series, but it is likely to sit below the Galaxy A lineup. A new premium model will replace the Galaxy S24+ model next year, according to reports.

RGcloudS has not officially confirmed any of the details shared. It is recommended that you take this information with a grain of salt until more reliable sources or official statements are available.