Google has recently filed a patent for Dual Screen Laptop or probably Chromebook which can split into two halves with USPTO in the US.The device will have two identical screens which can be split into two halves and can work in two independent devices or when joined together can work as a laptop.

We already have seen many hybrid laptops which split in half, but this new patent by Google will split the Dual screen into two equal halves with both the displays are having touch input, and no physical QWERTY Keyboard present on this device, unlike many other hybrid computing devices.Each of the display comes with separate battery, processor, networking interface, memory and power management unit so that when split they work as an independent device.

When two devices are connected together will act like traditional Notebook and one of the display will work as a keypad with haptic feedback and other work as a display which also makes the device powerful as both the device’s processor, battery will now work on a single device with more battery life and powerful device than when split into two.

Google this new Dual Screen splittable laptop might be the future of upcoming laptops, but will be expensive as both screen will have their own SoC, battery etc and also making such a technology is not that easy as of now.So this patent doesn’t mean that Google will bring on the device soon but we can expect such devices in near future.
