iPad Air 2020

Apple seems to be getting more comfortable with OLED displays on its tablets! OLED iPad Pro shipments are expected to surge this year, exceeding 9 million units. It is expected that Samsung and LG will produce these displays between April and June for the upcoming iPad Pro refresh.

OLED iPad Air:

OLED iPad Airs are predicted to arrive in 2028, boasting a whole new level of technology. There is speculation that the Air will use a single-layer OLED, while the Pro will feature a double-layer OLED.

As tablets get a visual upgrade, laptops follow suit. Since OLED displays offer such superior quality and capabilities compared to LCD displays, demand for OLED laptops is expected to increase. While Apple dominates the tablet market, various manufacturers are expected to adopt OLED technology to stand out in this market.

Foldable iPhone:

A foldable future might also be in store for Apple beyond tablets and laptops. It is predicted that we will see a foldable iPhone between 7-8 inches in 2026. Apple could perfect the foldable phone technology that’s under testing by its biggest competitors (wink, wink – Samsung and Google) that’s already perfected most aspects. There is a possibility of a brand new foldable iPhone, as well as brighter, clearer visuals.