Introducing the ORG TODI Water Purifier, the latest breakthrough product from ORG Engitech Limited.

ORG TODI Water Purifier addresses a critical need for HEALTHY and pure water. It’s common for ROs to strip minerals from purified water.

To maintain the right balance of Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) in water, ORG developed TODI technology. Therefore, while incorporating cutting-edge technology to eliminate physical, chemical, and biological impurities, it retains the essential minerals for optimal health; what’s more, it gives you control.

ORG TODI water purifiers have a handy display panel.

  • Purified water’s actual TDS
  • How the purification process works UF/UV/RO
  • Low-pressure indicator for low inflow pressure.
  • Indicates when the tank is full
  • Service Hours display, showing when the next service is due.

TODI tanks are made from food-grade materials. In addition, to prevent bacterial contamination caused by water stored in the tank for an extended period of time. The ORG TODI Water Purifier features an innovative Ultra Violet system that circulates the water every four hours, preventing recontamination and keeping it pure.

The ORG TODI is designed to purify water from any source, including borewells, municipal, and tankers. According to the TDS settings, it automatically selects UF/UV or RO.

Three variants of the ORG TODI Water Purifier will be available:

  • ORG TODI priced at ₹ 16,999
  • ORG TODI PLUS priced at ₹ 17900
  • ORG TODI Alkalinator for alkaline hydrogen-rich water at ₹ 19,900.

The ORG TODI Water Purifier is now available through the ORG website and authorized dealers nationwide.