WhatsApp enabled linking its account to a desktop computer earlier this year. With this feature, users can make and receive calls and send messages without being connected to the internet.

The company has now launched a native Windows app that replaces the old web-based backend with one that runs natively on Windows. Microsoft App Store users can download the new app.

In comparison to the web-based version, the native app runs smoother and is more optimized. The redesigned interface looks cleaner and more consistent with the Windows interface.

The account must be linked to a phone number on a smartphone. With end-to-end encryption, you can send and receive messages, make WhatsApp calls, and more once your devices are connected. You can use up to four linked devices when your phone is offline, but they will be automatically disconnected after 14 days if you haven’t used your phone.

WhatsApp will also release native macOS software, but it is still in development. Currently, in closed beta testing, WhatsApp macOS will be released as a MacOS “universal app,” meaning it will run natively on Apple silicon laptops and be based on the iPhone app.