
Google today introduces “Learn with Google AI”, a set of educational resources developed by ML experts at Google, for people to learn about ML concepts, develop their ML skills, and apply AI to real-world problems. Learn with Google AI comes with existing content as well as the new Machine Learning Crash Course(MLCC).

MLCC is a fast-paced introduction to practical ML concepts using high-level TensorFlow (TF) APIs. As part of the initiative, users can learn about a set of key ML algorithms and frameworks, and enable them to practice implementation with Tensorflow APIs. The course features videos from ML experts at Google, interactive visualizations illustrating ML concepts, coding exercises using cutting-edge TensorFlow APIs, and a pragmatic focus that teaches how practitioners implement ML in the real world.


Zuri Kemp, Program Manager for Google’s machine learning education said, “We believe it’s important that the development of AI reflects as diverse a range of human perspectives and needs as possible. So, Google AI is making it easier for everyone to learn ML by providing a huge range of free, in-depth educational content. This is for everyone — from deep ML experts looking for advanced developer tutorials and materials, to curious people who are ready to try to learn what ML is in the first place.”

Google’s engineering education team originally developed this fast-paced, practical introduction to ML fundamentals for Googlers. So far, more than 18,000 Googlers have enrolled in MLCC, applying lessons from the course to enhance camera calibration for Daydream devices, build a virtual reality for Google Earth, and improve streaming quality at YouTube. MLCC’s success at Google has inspired to make it available to everyone.