Samsung Electronics started mass-production of new 512GB memory chips for mobile devices.We can expect it might make debut with upcoming Samsung Galaxy S9 so that it can ship a limited quantity of Samsung Galaxy S9 with 512GB internal storage.

The latest 512GB eUFS comes with new 64 layers V-NAND chip with speeds up to 800 MB/s and a maximum writes speed up to 255 MB/s when compared with 256Gb which comes with 48 layers chips.It comes with 42000 read Input/output operation per second (IOPS) and 40,000 write IOPS.

Apart from smartphones, Samsung is also planning to introduce the same chips into microSdc ards and SSD.The Chips will be made available to the third party manufacturers and Samsung is expecting the 512GB memory chips to be used in future IoT devices and car manufacturers.

The new 512GB memory chips will be commercialized in the second half of 2018 and will be exclusive to premium smartphones.
