A new Narzo phone named the Narzo N55 is expected to be launched in India by Realme in April. A leaked image of the phone has been shared by tipster Mukul Sharma ahead of its launch. The name of the device has not yet been confirmed by Realme. The initial teasers referred to the device as Project N, and Sharma’s leak also uses that name.
Realme Narzo N55’s bottom edge is only shown in the leaked image. The device has a 3.5mm headphone jack, a microphone, a USB-C port, and a speaker grille at the bottom. As the device is expected to go official in the coming month, more details will be revealed in the coming week.
The Narzo N55 will be launched in India on April 12, according to 91mobiles. It is rumored that several variants of the smartphone will be available, including 4GB RAM + 64GB storage, 4GB RAM + 128GB storage, 6GB RAM + 64GB storage, 6GB RAM + 128GB storage, and 8GB RAM + 128GB storage. The price of the device has not yet been revealed. Most likely, the device’s base model will be priced well under Rs 15,000.