Earlier this year, Samsung launched the Galaxy Tab S8 series one and a half years after the Galaxy Tab S7 family.  A report from South Korea now says that the upcoming Galaxy Tab S9 series will be also delayed.

Originally, the company planned to release its next-generation premium tablets in December 2022. However, it now appears that they will be introduced next year.

According to The Elec, the Galaxy Tab S9 family of tablets will be delayed. A recent global economic uncertainty is attributed to Samsung’s decision, according to the report.

Globally, the demand for IT products has started to decline as the COVID-19 pandemic has almost ended. In 2022, Samsung plans to produce 33.6 million tablets. The company may be unable to fulfill its plans due to poor demand.

According to DSCC (Display Supply Chain Consultants), the overall tablet market will decline by 8% in 2013. There is, however, a 22% growth forecast for the premium tablet category (OLED and Mini LED).

Samsung is said to have a new plan for its next-generation flagship tablets. As with the Galaxy Tab S8, the Galaxy Tab S9 series will have three models.

It will come in three versions: vanilla, plus, and ultra. There will be an OLED panel on the latter two, while an LCD display will be on the former.