
With the COVID-19 outbreak, many of the brands are considering to launch the products through online. We even saw Google ditching the annual Developer meet this year due to the outbreak. Now its almost time for the Apple’s annual developers meet aka the WWDC 2020.

Yes, Apple has officially announced the new WWDC 2020 details today. As per the company page, for the first time ever Apple will be conducting online exclusive launch for the Annual Developer meet aka WWDC 2020. Yes, the new WWDC 2020 will be an online exclusive event which will be held on June 22.

Apple WWDC 2020

One can book the slot through Apple Developer website where it will be free for all the developers, but others have to pay $1500 to attend the event. To attend the event one has to download the  Apple Developer app from App Store which will provide more details about the WWDC including schedules for the “keynote and Platforms State of the Union details, session and lab schedules.” The details will be added in the app in the month of June.

Apple also announced today the Swift Student Challenge. Open to student developers, the challenge asks these youngsters to create their own Swift Playground. To help kids learn programming, the Swift Playground app (found in the App Store) for the iPad or the Mac helps kids learn to program even if they know nothing about coding at all.