Google Pixel 3 Teaser

Google is all set to unveil the next flagship the Google Pixel 3 & Google Pixel 3 XL later next month. Earlier Google started teasing the device which revealed the color option of the new Google Pixel 3 series. Today we have another teaser which adds a new color option.

Google Pixel 3

As per the teaser, the Google Pixel 3 will come in three colors with but as per the source has revealed the fourth color. The Twitter user managed to reveal the fourth color via the teaser source code with none other than Pink.

According to the source code, the got the hex code as  #e2d8d6 which turns out to be the Pink color which is close to skin color. So this fall we have four colors variants of the new Google Pixel 3 with Black, White, Teal, and Pink.
