
Apple launched the new iPhone X with a new way of unlocking the FaceID last year. Now we have the successor iPhone XS on the way which is scheduled to launch today which is expected to come with all new FaceID 2.

The original iPhone X arrive with buggy FaceID which had few issues like was unable to identify the face when the device is near to the face. it also lacks multiple face recognition and only one person can unlock the device which was one of the major cons of FaceID.

FaceID 2

With three new iPhones along with two new iPads are expected to launch today will include the new FaceID 2 with some of the above bugs fixes and improvements. We now have got few of the new features of FaceID 2.

As per the source, the new FaceID 2 will be faster unlocking times than predecessor as it will arrive with new Face ID module. The FaceID 2 will allow registering the second face which lacked with the original FaceID. The last feature is FaceID 2 will come with a wider aperture that allows unlocking the device from a wider range.

That’s all we have for today, anyway we are left with just a few hours for the official announcement.
