Samsung upcoming phablet the Samsung Galaxy Note 9 is all trending with series of rumors and leaks about the device. Now we have a new report claiming that Samsung Galaxy Note 9 might launch one month earlier than original launch.

Samsung Galaxy Note 9

As per Korean Herald, Samsung has preponed the launch of Samsung Galaxy Note 9 by one month and is now expected to be unveiled in late July instead of late August in spite of Samsung Galaxy S9/S9+ sales crossing the 1 Million mark in South Korea which has not reached the expected target set by Samsung.

So now the Samsung Galaxy Note 9 will go on sale by mid-August and will have enough time to get some profit before Apple unveiled its new iPhone 2018 lineup in late Sept this year. There are also rumors of Samsung launching the Samsung Galaxy S10 in Jan and first foldable smartphone the Galaxy X in the late Feb at MWC 2019.

Anyway, we have to wait for official launch details as every year we will get some rumors about Samsung launching its smartphone earlier than expected which turns out to be fake.
