Samsung Galaxy Note 9

Earlier Samsung claimed that they are working on improving the Bixby AI and will be updating the app soon and might be launching by the second half of this year. Today we have a new report claiming that Samsung Galaxy Note 9 will come with new Bixby 2.0.

As per Korean Herald, Samsung AI head Grey G Lee gave us hint about the improved AI support and also shared that Bixby 2.0 will get a faster response, will get enhanced natural language support and will filter the unwanted surrounding sound which will make quicker hearing from the source which will lead to faster responses.

Apart from this, the report doesn’t provide any other info about when will be the Bixby 2.0 will be launched whether it will make debut with Samsung Galaxy Note 9 or not. But Samsung AI head told that they will expand their AI centers across the globe with more workforce which will further improve their AI platform.

“Samsung’s AI vision has five directions: user-centric, always learning, always there, always helpful and always safe,” Lee said.
