OnePlus 6

Earlier we had many leaks and rumors about the OnePlus 6 leaked online. We even had many renders of the device leaked and also got many teasers with some of the features of the device been highlighted.

Today, we have another official teaser by OnePlus shared on the Twitter hint that OnePlus 6 will come with Slo-mo video recording feature. The new video shows the capabilities of OnePlus 6 able to record the popular Slo-mos video recording of various things like Watermelon covered with a rubber band, bubbles popping up etc.

OnePlus 6

At the end of the teaser, it mentions Shot on OnePlus 6 which confirms that the device can record slow-motion video recordings like the Samsung Galaxy S9 and Sony Xperia XZ2. As of now, there are no details about the frame rate and resolution at which it record.