Haier Asu

Probably we missed something innovative which was not much talked about with the new smartwatch which comes with a built-in projector which displays the messages or anything on your hand.The new innovation is done by well-known Home appliance brand Haier.

The new Haier Asu does the new way of using a smartwatch which other’s can’t do it as we can run anything on the smartwatch as it projects directly on your hands.Sadly, this projector is made to project the display on your hands and not on the wall.

Probably the new Haier Asu also comes with con as per the images showed we can see the smartwatch is running the timer app which has been paused on the smartwatch but on the projector the app is still running so probably we may face some time lag and might be fixed via software update.

Apart from this, it has the same features what a smartwatch can offer with tracking steps, sleep and much more.As of now, there are no details regarding the price and avaialblity of the smartwatch but it is rumoured to go on sale from May in China.
