iPhone X

Apple most advanced iPhone ever the iPhone X was launched last year and was an instant hit but was overpriced which made a big let down to users.Earlier we also had some rumors claiming that Apple will launch not two but three new iPhone’s this year which will come with iPhone X like the design.

As per the report by Digitimes, the upcoming Apple iPhone X will cost lower than its predecessor and will have the same 5.8 inches OLED display.As per Luke Lin, OLED vendors have managed to reduce the new device’s initial manufacturing bill of materials which will be cheaper than the current iPhone X manufacturing cost.

The upcoming iPhone X will have 10% lower manufacturing bill of materials when compared with the current gen of iPhone X which was costing around $400 and above.With Apple achieving the OLED panels for lower prices they have lowered production of LCD display for the third iPhone with 6.1 inches LCD display.

Now Apple will launch three variants of iPhone with 5.8 inches iPhone X and 6.45 inches iPhone X models.The 5.8 inches OLED display iPhone X will be the cheapest among the upcoming three iPhones and the 6.1 inch LCD iPhone will sit in between the other two iPhone.With decreasing demand for the iPhone X Apple had earlier slashed the requirement of OLED panels from Samsung which left a huge loss for Samsung Display.

Now Apple has managed to talk with Samsung Display and had made an agreement to keep the OLED display cost stable which will prevent cost increases in the future.
