Google’s next iteration of Android is all set to be announced soon at upcoming Google I/O 2018 and we are getting series of leaks about the Android 9.0 or Android P. Earlier we had got the details leaked that with Android P Carriers can hide the network signals and also we have got some of the name being selected for Android P.

Android P

Today we have new leaks from commits recently received from the repository of the AOSP. As per the codes from AOSP ROM reveal that Google is trying to bring the native call recording feature on Android P.As per the ROM, the Google engineers have named it as call recording tone which is probably the feature of recording the call once the receiver picks the call.The tone is of 1400 MHz and anyone can hear the recorded conversation and will record every 15 seconds while the conversation is being recorded which is nothing but the notification the OS will provide to the user who is still recording the call.

With this move can break certain laws in different parts of the world if Google tries to add this feature to stock Android.It already illegal to record the call with notifying the receiver under US laws and hope Google might be able to find the solution for the same.One more leak tells us that Google is planning to open this feature to all third-party app develops via API.
