Samsung foldable smartphone

As per sources, Samsung first foldable smartphone was unveiled at CES 2018 on Jan 10 in a private meeting.Earlier we had got series of rumours and patents leaked about the alleged foldable smartphone.

Samsung foldable smartphone

As per sources, Samsung has also revealed the launch date and also is expected to enter production by end of this year.As per industry insider, the Samsung upcoming foldable smartphone will sport 7.3 inches foldable display with an aspect ratio of 21:9 which folds the smartphone into the half like a flip phone.

Those who attended the meeting shared that Samsung had unveiled both out folding and inward folding smartphone at the private event.The inward folding has curvier than out folding but due to durability issues out folding is more advanced upcoming technology.Samsung first foldable smartphone will enter production starting from Nov 2018.
