Samsung is all in news with new flagship for next half of 2017 with Samsung Galaxy Note 8 and now we have some images leaked which show us the thin bezels at the top of the device.

From the images, we can see the very thin rounded top side of the Note 8 which has earpiece and front camera with some sensors.The bezels are very thin with just 6.7 mm thick. The live images got leaked on Chinese social media website Weibo.It also shows the Note will have Single Sensor Front facing camera and IRIS scanner which is similar to Samsung Galaxy S8 and S8+.

With that, there are some more leaks claiming that Note 8 will have similar design and will have similar kind of  Infinity display what we found on S8 and S8+.Samsung Galaxy Note 8 is also rumoured to have Dual camera setup which is first of the kind in Samsung Flagship.Samsung Galaxy Note 8 might have a larger screen than S8+ and also larger capacity battery this time.

Samsung Galaxy Note 8 will be powered by SD835 & Exynos 8895 coupled with 6GB RAM and 64GB internal storage with an expansion slot up to 256GB. As per earlier leaks, Samsung will announce the Note 8 in IFA Berlin or late August 2017.
