As days are getting closer to the launch there are some more details leaked on GeekBench again.This time it is confirmation of the specs which were leaked by GeekBench.

From the above image we can see the detailed spec about the HTC U11 which we already know but now these details might be the final. The HTC U11 will now have 5.5 inch QHD display.It is powered by SD 835 which we all know and now it has 4GB RAM and 64GB inbuilt storage.As far camera is concern it will have 12MP rear and 16MP front camera.It will run on Android 7.1.1 out of the box with latest HTC Sense skin on top.

From the above details we can confirm that past leaks matches with the new leaks and might have the same specs when HTC U 11 get launched.HTC U11 is slated to launch on May 16 2017.
