OnePlus is all set to launch the flagship killer smartphone with OnePlus 5 this fall. With series of leaks now we have some more images leaked with a back case attached to OnePlus 5.The photos were leaked on Weibo yesterday.

The above images show us the OnePlus 5 with a case attached and also features a vertically aligned Dual camera setup at the back.Below the camera, we can see the LED flash.Camera design is similar to what we have seen before on OnePlus 2.It comes with 5.5-inch display with a fingerprint scanner which also doubles up as the home button below the display.It has a front facing camera on top left corner.We can’t see the 3.5 mm audio jack from the images.

Hope these images are of the exact device and might not be fan created ones.We have to wait for OnePlus to launch anytime next month.
