Google launches Google Areo in India which is food delivery cum Home service app.The new service is currently available only in Bangalore & Mumbai as of now and will expand later.The app is only available for Android smartphones.

It works similar to other Food delivery apps. Based on your location Google will recommend the Hotels nearby which Google has partnered, like Faasos, FreshMenu,Box8 etc.You can see all the order details on the app with the exact pricing and payment option is  Online mode, Pay by card & Cash on Delivery.

The app also comes with Home Services like repair of Home appliance, Carpenter, Electrical works, Home cleaning,Painter, Pest control etc. There is also Laundry,car wash,Packing & Moving and Cooking.It also provides Personal fitness and beauty services like waxing, Pedicure etc.The services will depend upon regions and Area where these services are available in these two cities.

It will soon expand these services in other Cities too. As of now the app is only available on google Play Store will soon come on iOS too.

Here is the link for Google Areo.